Minutes of the AGM


59th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held at The Pavilion, Oakfields Road, Cringleford NR4 6XE

Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 7.30pm


The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed the 20 members present.

1. Apologies for Absence

Pamela Medlock, Peter Webb, Pamela Austin, June Stubbert, Ted Clements, Kevin Smith.

2. 2024 AGM Minutes

Minutes were announced by the Chairman, agreed by members & signed by the Chairman.

3. Matters Arising

No matters arising.

4. Chairman’s Report – Ian Cain

Chairman announced a few thanks; to Clyde Brown, a member of the group and an Observer for many years and has now stood down from both roles; to Dave Cusdin who has resigned from the Committee after many years as the rideout coordinator; to all the Committee who work hard to keep the Group running and to the Observers who do sterling work and are the main point of contact for most new associates.

We’ve had the best year for new membership since before the Covid lockdown: 3 new full members. 1 car, 2 bike; 21 new car associates and 8 new bike associates; 9 car test passes and 5 bike passes.

We are also now in a better position with Observers with fewer Associates waiting long periods to be allocated an Observer. Thanks to Lara Slater and Paul Southwell for looking after the allocation of Observers to Associates.

All our Observers must be to the IAM's national standard by April this year 2025, no more local Observers. We are well on the way to achieving that, thanks to Kevin Smith the car observer trainer. We have 3 motorcycle observers who are all national standard now.

The Committee tried something new this year - a quiz night at the Toftwood Social Club in Dereham, a skills refresher day in Norwich, and a visit to Steve Cato Restorations near King's Lynn. Apart from one member and his family, the quiz night teams were all formed by Committee members, only 3 members showed interest in the skills refresher day, so they were offered individual refresher assessments, and it was mainly motorcycle members who visited Steve Cato Restorations. Bob Tash also asked if anyone was interested in a visit to the radar museum at Neatishead but again there was no take up. It seems that the membership is happy with just the monthly meetings and rideouts, so we'll stick with those for the immediate future.

The Mobile Display unit has been busy this year visiting events all over the county. We don't know how many people join the IAM having visited our MDU, but it does spread the road safety message to a wide audience. Keith Mace tows the unit to the various venues and mans it so many thanks for his efforts on many weekends throughout the year.

Chairman quite often looks at other groups' websites and magazines just out of interest. He’s confident that our magazine is as good as anybody else's and better than most so thanks to Vernon Clarke, the Editor, and all the contributors, and to Steve Palmer for looking after our website. This again is one of the best group websites.

We currently have 3 vacancies on the Committee. We need someone to help Keith with admin for the MDU, we need a ride out coordinator, and a replacement for Bob Tash to organise the speakers for the monthly meetings. If anyone is interested in any of these roles, please speak to me or Elke, the Group Secretary.

5. Secretary’s Report - Elke Martin

Secretary also welcomed all members. Our membership is steady, the extra £3.00 increase in membership fees is still favourable given we hadn’t needed to make an increase in over 10 years.

Our MDU exhibited 8 events in 2024 by Keith Mace: Thurton, Arminghall, Strumpshaw, Holme Hale, The Forum Norwich, Hoveton, Swaffham and Kings Lynn Classic car event. In 2025 we hope to do all the regular events plus whatever else we can arrange.

Norwich Socials at Cringleford saw over 10 events headed up by Bob Tash throughout 2024. Bob arranged in the region of 67 events whilst in the role of Social Events Coordinator and was very much thanked for his amazing contribution.

Wheels magazine by our editor Vernon Clarke is going from strength to strength with 4 great publications a year. If any members have an article for publication, they should contact our editor. Next deadline is 2nd February 2025.

Secretary reported we currently have 11 car observers and 3 bike observers.

6. Treasurers Report & Adoption of Accounts - Greg Chandler

The Treasurer circulated copies of the accounts for the financial year to 30 September 2024 and invited members to review the accounts. One member asked about the £2k sale of transfer under other income. Treasurer explained a need to top up our running costs where we had a decrease in cash from the previous year. Adoption of accounts was proposed by Roly Batchelor and seconded by Bob Tash.

This proposition was carried unanimously.

7. Election of Officers/Committee

Election of Chairman

Although the Chairman is elected by the Committee for three years and does not need approval at the AGM, Ian Cain offered himself for approval by the AGM. Proposed by Roly Batchelor and seconded by Paul Southwell. This proposition was carried unanimously.

Election of Secretary

Elke Martin was prepared to stand again, proposed by Lara Slater and seconded by Paul Southwell. This proposition was carried unanimously.

Election of Treasurer

Greg Chandler was prepared to stand again, proposed by Bob Tash and seconded by Roly Batchelor. This proposition was carried unanimously.

Election of Committee

Lara Slater is standing down as car associate scheme coordinator but will continue to manage our social media. Proposed by Keith Mace and seconded by Malcolm Ireson. This proposition was carried unanimously.

Bob Tash is standing down as Social Events Manager but will be taking over as car associate scheme coordinator. Proposed by Keith Mace and seconded by Malcolm Ireson. This proposition was carried unanimously.

All current Committee Members willing to stand for 2025:

Ian CainChairman
Elke MartinGroup Secretary
Greg ChandlerTreasurer
Martin WoodhouseMembership Secretary
Keith MaceDisplay Unit Manager
VacantDisplay Unit Administration
Bob TashAssociate Scheme Coordinator (cars)
Paul SouthwellAssociate Scheme Coordinator (bikes)
Kevin SmithObserver Training Coordinator (cars)
Ian CainObserver Training Coordinator (bikes)
VacantSocial Events Secretary/Coordinator
Vernon ClarkeMagazine Editor
VacantRideout Coordinator
Lara SlaterSocial Media Manager
Steven PalmerWebmaster

Committee were re-elected en bloc proposed by Richard Gibby and seconded by Roly Batchelor. This proposition was carried unanimously.

8. Presentation of Awards

No awards were presented this year.

9. Close of Meeting

AGM Meeting closed at 19:55

Followed by a light buffet and Open Forum ending at 21:00